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Oak Park Clinic is located within the grounds of The Old Parsonage in Crondall, near Farnham, on the Hampshire Surrey border. There is free parking available to the right of the driveway and within the courtyard. As you come down the drive Oak Park Clinic reception is the first building on the left.


From the centre of Crondall village: With the village shop on your right-hand-side, continue forward on Pankridge Street until you reach ‘The Plume of Feathers’ pub on your left. Immediately next to the pub, turn left on to Church Street and follow the road for 500 metres until you reach a post and rail fence on your left. As the road begins to curve to the left you will see the curved brick wall of The Old Parsonage on your left. Pull in to this driveway, you have reached Oak Park Clinic.

From Farnham: Follow Crondall Lane for 3 miles. As you enter the village you will pass a sign for Crondall on your left-hand-side. Then take the third road on the left, Croft Lane, sign posted to The Village Hall and School. After you pass the School on your left the road bears round to the right, there is a curved brick wall at the entrance to the drive. Turn in to The Old Parsonage on your right within this bend, you have reached Oak Park Clinic.

From Oak Park Golf Club (now closed): With the golf club on your right, continue down Heath Lane until you reach a T-junction. Turn right on to Dippenhall Street and then take the second road on the left, Croft Lane, sign posted to The Village Hall and School. After you pass the School on your left the road bears round to the right, there is a curved brick wall at the entrance to the drive. Turn in to The Old Parsonage on your right within this bend, you have reached Oak Park Clinic.