Stability for Pain Free Shoulders

When most people think about shoulder stability perhaps the idea comes to mind of bulging biceps broad shoulders but does this outer appearance of strength reflect inherent stability? The answer is no, not definitively!
Will Lane, one of Oak Park Clinic’s Massage Practitioners, shares his knowledge, tips and advice on achieving pain free shoulders…..

There are smaller muscles in the shoulder blade, at the back, front and on top which attach to the upper arm and perform four functions:

  1. (1&2) Rotation – internal and external; think about the action of turning a screwdriver or holding a motorised hedge cutter while shaping topiary.
  2. Raising the arm up from our side (abduction).
  3. Stability – the very important function of these muscles, collectively known as the rotator cuff is to stabilise the upper arm’s joint capsule when we load or weight bear.

It is anatomically interesting to compare the shoulder and hip joints. The hip joint is intrinsically more stable with a deeper more bowl like socket which sacrifices movement; the shoulder joint has a shallower socket, which allows for a greater range of movement but sacrifices stability and therefore you can appreciate the importance of the rotator cuff muscles in aiding healthy, pain free function.

What Can You Do to Help? 

  • Hold loads close to the body, your centre of gravity to lessen strain
  • Resistance band strength work (seek advice from a professional)
  • Keep chest muscles open and flexible to avoid shoulder rounding
  • Keep upper spine mobile and lengthened noting rounding in posture as a warning
  • Strengthen your core and glutes to load the bigger muscles (seek advice)
  • Stretch and mobilise shoulders to maintain healthy range of movement (seek advice)

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain, why not book an appointment to come and see Will Lane at Oak Park Clinic? You’ll find appointments for Will available via our Online Booking System under the Sports Massage field.

Or, please call our office on 01252 850800 to book your appointment over the phone.