Baby Massage Courses

Baby massage Course Crondall Farnham Surrey

Oak Park Clinic – supporting you and your baby from the very beginning…

“We care about patients of every age here at Oak Park Clinic; from newborns to toddlers, teenagers, young adults middle aged adults and our elderly patients. We believe that a healthy lifestyle starts from the very beginning, and we’re delighted to offer babies and their parents the sweetest start here in our Studio in Crondall, by means of Baby Massage Courses across the year” Heather O’Malley, Clinic Manager. 

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10 Benefits of a Massage

Massages at Oak Park Clinic Crondall

10 amazing health benefits of receiving a massage, with expert advice from the team at Oak Park Clinic in Surrey

A massage can do so much more for your body than you think. And, whether you choose to have just one revitalising massage, or, book a host of regular massages, you should soon find that your body starts to react in more positive ways than one. This article shares 10 of the amazing benefits that a massage can provide; and we’re not just talking about a massage for your back. Oak Park Clinic specialises in Back massages, Deep Tissue massages, Indian Head massages, Clinical and Sports massages, Swedish massages, Maternity massages and even massages for your baby! 

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By Rosanna Wood

The endless web, a truly fascinating tissue of the body!

What is it?

Fascia is the most important part of your body that you’ve possibly never heard of! It’s everywhere in your body. It is made up of a web-like structure reaching from head to toe. Surrounding and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein. It even connects all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord.

Every part of the body is connected to every other in some way via the fascia!

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