Rise like a phoenix after burnout

Disease and fatigue can creep up on you slowly, without you realising.  Day by day, week by week, month by month. Until one day you realise how bad things had got with your mind and body while your eyes were firmly fixed on another goal – career, supporting others, achieving the one next thing that will definitely make you feel happy and fulfilled (except it doesn’t, at least not for long).

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COVID-19 & Immunity

Over the last few months Jacqui Mayes our Registered Nutritional Therapist has been busy keeping a close eye on the developing Covid-19 research. She has been working remotely with clients to improve their immunity and recently has been supporting people who are presenting with post viral symptoms following Covid infections; symptoms such as fatigue, unexplained aches and pains and a host of digestive symptoms. Here she writes about her thoughts on the virus and what she has been doing, using the ‘functional Medicine Model’ to help immunity. There are some great tips at the end. We also wanted to congratulate Jacqui who at the start of lockdown, became one of the team at the award winning, world renowned London Clinic of Nutrition. 

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