What support do we offer parents and carers?
Being a parent or carer is a unique and wonderful experience, however it can also be challenging and can raise a unique range of emotions. Each developmental stage of growth will present different complexities or challenges for both the child and the parent/s or caregiver.
As a parent or carer, you can feel ‘deeply’ about what your child is experiencing and how they are reacting to these developments and changes. Not only are you dealing with the ‘feelings’ involved but you are also trying to guide your child through the various stages of their development. It can feel hard to navigate on both an emotional and practical level.
A child can feel totally overwhelmed, and a parent can too. We forget that as adults and ‘parents’ we are also evolving, and this doesn’t ever stop. The more we are open to sharing our concerns, thoughts, and feelings about parenting, the more beneficial it is to everyone involved. A parent can feel huge pressure to ‘get it right’ and they can also feel judged and isolated. When a parent feels challenged, worried, or confused about their child or how to parent their child, feelings from their own childhood and how they were parented can sometimes come up too.
Hannah Turner, Art Psychotherapist, Counsellor and talking therapist, offers a safe and non-judgemental space to parents and carers. Hannah can offer support to explore issues or stressors, to either add another perspective, give practical advice, or just provide a listening ear. Parents might need some space to reflect and process what might feel like a really difficult time. It is not therapy per say but is therapeutic and supportive, always holding both the parent and child in mind.
Hannah adapts to parents’ individual needs and is available for ad hoc sessions or a longer-term block of sessions, depending on the presenting issues. There are many different reasons why someone may wish to use this service, for example: family separation, bereavement, child developmental issues, child behavioural issues, self-esteem issues, moving schools or issues in school, sibling issues, differences in parenting styles within a family, conflicts within family or behavioural issues.
At Oak Park Clinic Hannah also works1:1 with children and teenagers. In some cases, it may be inappropriate for Hannah to engage in a supporting relationship with the parent/s of a child with whom she is working. However, she always works with an individual, case by case approach and where appropriate, will offer alternative ways of working, such as joint parent and child sessions or shorter-term parent support.
Hannah also offers Art Psychotherapy and counselling to children, young adults, and adults.
For further information about Parent Support or any of Hannah’s appointments, please contact Oak Park Clinic, on info@oakparkclinic.co.uk or by phone 01252 850 800 to arrange a free phone consultation with Hannah.