Menopause Month 2021

Menopause support at Oak Park Clinic Surrey

A look at the value of acupuncture to support Menopause……

Menopause is associated with an array of symptoms that range in severity from mild to debilitating.  Furthermore, post-menopausal women are of increased risk of a variety of chronic health conditions, the most common of these issues including; hot flushes, depression and anxiety, insomnia, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome and cognitive decline.

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Infant Massage Awareness Week

infant massage at Oak Park Clinic Crondall Surrey

13-19 September 2021

This week is infant massage awareness week.  It’s a very special week for the IAIM as it gives us all a chance to celebrate the beauty and joy of baby massage.

Here at our Surrey based Oak Park Clinic we are delighted to be welcoming 5 new mums and their gorgeous babies for our latest 4 week course starting in the Studio, today.  We are also able to support new mums (and mums to be !) and their babies with a wide range of treatments and services from pregnancy massage, acupuncture, reflexology, osteopaty and infant massage. 

To help promote infant massage awareness week we would like to share some information about our classes and the benefits to parent and baby alike.

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Migraine Awareness

Migraine is a neurological condition with chronic and debilitating symptoms.  With 1 in 7 people suffering The Migraine Trust estimates that the UK loses 25 million days or work or education each year because of migraine. Migraine is an instability in the way that the brain deals with incoming sensory information, this instability can be influenced by physiological changes such as sleep exercise and hunger.  Up to 80% of migraine sufferers have a family history of migraine, and due to the influence of hormones, migraines are more common in women between the ages of 15-55.

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Mental Health and Nutrition: how what you eat could be having a direct impact on your mental wellbeing

Did you know that depression and anxiety affect over 300 million people worldwide? With this year bringing it’s own set of difficulties, it’s no surprise that figure is increasing day by day with currently 1 in 6 people in the UK experiencing a mental health issue. Conventional medicine addresses this with medication and therapy but have you ever thought that what you eat could be having a huge effect on your mental wellbeing?

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Rise like a phoenix after burnout

Disease and fatigue can creep up on you slowly, without you realising.  Day by day, week by week, month by month. Until one day you realise how bad things had got with your mind and body while your eyes were firmly fixed on another goal – career, supporting others, achieving the one next thing that will definitely make you feel happy and fulfilled (except it doesn’t, at least not for long).

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COVID-19 & Immunity

Over the last few months Jacqui Mayes our Registered Nutritional Therapist has been busy keeping a close eye on the developing Covid-19 research. She has been working remotely with clients to improve their immunity and recently has been supporting people who are presenting with post viral symptoms following Covid infections; symptoms such as fatigue, unexplained aches and pains and a host of digestive symptoms. Here she writes about her thoughts on the virus and what she has been doing, using the ‘functional Medicine Model’ to help immunity. There are some great tips at the end. We also wanted to congratulate Jacqui who at the start of lockdown, became one of the team at the award winning, world renowned London Clinic of Nutrition. 

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The Lightning Process

Food for thought – or Thought for food?

by Lauren Stoney

The power of thoughts and our neurology

We have around 60,000 thoughts a day and every single thought produces a chemical response through the release of hormones and neurotransmitters. Just for a moment, take yourself back to a momentous life event – something that really impacted your life in a positive or negative way.

How does it feel to connect with that memory?

Essentially, you’re accessing the neurology that triggered a very specific chemical response and, in doing so, you trigger that chemical release in much the same way. Even something as simple as thinking about a drink you managed to poison yourself with – sambuca, whisky, whatever it might be! Think about it long enough and you’ll do a great job of triggering off those nauseous feelings again. So when we access thoughts and memories, we produce feelings and emotions, which produce changes in our chemistry.

Which brings us to the question – if what we focus on and the thoughts that we have, have a physical component, what does this tell us about the power we have to influence our health?

Mind-body in the wider world

Interestingly, the principles of mind-body connection show up a lot in examples of ‘placebo’, but they are also used a lot in sports performance.

In one study, researchers asked a control group lift a weight with their little finger, whilst the other group did nothing physical, but simply IMAGINED they were lifting a weight with their little finger. Over time, they found that BOTH groups had developed muscle mass in their little finger despite the fact that only one of them had physically exercised that part of their body.

But it’s not just about imagining yourself well or believing that you are being healed with some magical treatment that influences our physiological health. It’s the way in which we speak to ourselves, the beliefs that we hold about our own lives, and our capacity to thrive that influences our health for the better. It’s the way that we respond to the environment around us and the choices that we make in our lives that get us on the path to health.

Thoughts feed the body, like water feeds the soil – psychology feeds our neurology; neurology feeds our physiology.

So how can you influence yours?

We are delighted to welcome Lauren and The Lightning Process to Oak Park Clinic, with courses running for socially distant small groups currently due to Covid restrictions. If you would like to discuss The Lightning Process or any of the information in this blog, Lauren would love to hear from you:

Contact her directly at / 07554841880.
Find details of future Lightning Process courses here