Baby Massage Courses

Baby massage Course Crondall Farnham Surrey

Oak Park Clinic – supporting you and your baby from the very beginning…

“We care about patients of every age here at Oak Park Clinic; from newborns to toddlers, teenagers, young adults middle aged adults and our elderly patients. We believe that a healthy lifestyle starts from the very beginning, and we’re delighted to offer babies and their parents the sweetest start here in our Studio in Crondall, by means of Baby Massage Courses across the year” Heather O’Malley, Clinic Manager. 

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Q&A: Acupuncture

Acupuncture treatment Surrey

Your questions relating to Acupuncture, answered by Oak Park Clinic’s team of specialist practitioners.

What is Acupuncture? 

Quoting the NHS website, “Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine. Fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes.”

We asked our patients for their questions relating to Acupuncture, so that we can put your minds at ease and re-assure you that Acupuncture, a treatment used for hundreds and hundreds of years, can help ease your pain. 

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An Introduction to Nutritional Therapy

Oak Park Clinic in Crondall specialises in Nutritional Therapy

Tips and advice from Oak Park Clinic’s Nutritional Therapist, Amy Pamment

As the mellow mists of Autumn start to descend and temperatures are gradually dropping its time to consider some warming foods to prime our immune systems and create that inner glow. 

This article shares top tips and advice from our Nutritional Therapist, Amy Pamment. Amy has 15 years experience as both a lecturer and practitioner in Nutritional Therapy working with a wide range of health conditions and would love to meet you at our Crondall, Surrey based clinic to support you and your Nutritional needs….

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10 Benefits of a Massage

Massages at Oak Park Clinic Crondall

10 amazing health benefits of receiving a massage, with expert advice from the team at Oak Park Clinic in Surrey

A massage can do so much more for your body than you think. And, whether you choose to have just one revitalising massage, or, book a host of regular massages, you should soon find that your body starts to react in more positive ways than one. This article shares 10 of the amazing benefits that a massage can provide; and we’re not just talking about a massage for your back. Oak Park Clinic specialises in Back massages, Deep Tissue massages, Indian Head massages, Clinical and Sports massages, Swedish massages, Maternity massages and even massages for your baby! 

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Oak Park Clinic Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers Surrey

Gift Vouchers are available to purchase for treatments at Oak Park Clinic in Surrey

Everyone loves receiving a well-being Gift Voucher to us in their own time – especially when it comes to a relaxing massage. 

Our Surrey based team are delighted to be able to offer Gift Vouchers for any amount, for you to purchase for that special someone; whether it be a gift for your colleague leaving work, a parent, family member, a friend or your partner. 

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How Can Osteopathy Help My Child?

How can osteopathy help my child

How Paediatric Osteopathy can help your baby, toddler or teen

We all know that every child will develop in their own unique way, but if you have a concern about your baby, child or teen, the experienced Osteopathy team at Oak Park Clinic, located on the border of Surrey and Hampshire, can help. With a holistic approach, our Specialist Paediatric Team can assess problem areas and treat your child with our utmost care. 

Paediatric Osteopathy helps a growing body establish its own balance, from the start of life to the teenage years. Combined with helpful advice, treatment aims to improve mobility, enhance  function or release any tension, supporting young people to lead a happy, healthy lives, from the very beginning. 

This article shares how Osteopathy can help your little one(s), at any age! 

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What is Osteopathy?

How Osteopathy can benefit you….

If you are experiencing any sort of pain in your body, Osteopathy may be able to help you feel like a new person. Our experienced team of Osteopaths, based at our clinic in Crondall, near Farnham and Fleet, in Surrey, have worked with patients for many years, and can, in the first instance, advise you on the very best treatment plan to suit your health needs and increase your general well-being. So…

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Supporting Children’s Mental Health

From Victoria Rushmere

Why is Children’s Mental Health a current issue?

Stress and anxiety in children and teenagers have been on the rise for some time. The pressures of school, increasing numbers of extracurricular activities and social media have all contributed to this. Throw a 2-year pandemic into the pot with the uncertainties and fear it brought, along with masks, disrupted schooling and the long lockdowns we all endured, has only added to these pressures and many parents are noticing the toll it has taken in their households.

Older children and teenagers may express feeling worried and stressed but anxiety can show itself in different ways. You may notice that they become agitated or angry more easily, have difficulty getting to sleep, are reluctant to go to school or find they are complaining of headaches or stomach-aches. Here at Oak Park Clinic in Surrey, we can help support you and your children’s well-being.

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