Occupational Therapy

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Leading Occupational Therapy in Farnham

Welcome to Oak Park Clinic, your trusted source for Occupational Therapy in Farnham.

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy helps you live your life in the way which suits you best, achieving things that are important to YOU.  It’s about being able to do the things you want or need to do. The word “occupation” in this context, means activity and this could mean very different things for different people.  Occupational Therapists help people find new ways of doing things in the light of changing physical, cognitive, or mental health. 

The environment in which we perform our individual “activities” (the things we do which make us “us”) has a huge impact on the outcome of those activities.  So OT’s work with individuals to make changes to their environments and / or selves.  When we change the environment, we describe this as “environmental adaption”, when we change an individual’s abilities, we call this “rehabilitation”.  OTs prioritise your wellbeing and ability to participate in activities you feel are a priority.

Occupational Therapists have completed a degree level course of study, usually over 3 years. It’s also a science-based, health and social care profession that’s regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council.

What does an Occupational Therapist do?

Occupational Therapists work with individuals to create a plan of goals and adjustments targeted at achieving a specific set of activities. The plan is practical, realistic and personal and purposeful to you as an individual. This support can give people a renewed sense of purpose. It can also open up new opportunities and change the way people feel about the future.

Occupational therapists help people with physical disabilities and long term conditions to get the most out of life.

The emphasis is on finding an optimal level of function and independence, whatever the barrier. That often means looking at how an activity, or the physical or social environment it takes place in, can be modified or adapted to make things easier. Just as importantly, the therapist will discuss how someone feels about their ability to tackle problems.

Occupational Therapists help older people do activities that are important to them, enhance their wellbeing and keep them healthy. This can include putting into place solutions that keep them safe and active, like walking aids or changes to the home. Occupational Therapists can also help to find more opportunities for social contact and work with them to increase their confidence when meeting new people.

How can an Occupational Therapist help?

You may find an Occupational Therapist helpful if you’re…

  • Recovering from an accident
  • Are physically disabled
  • Have a life-long disability
  • Are getting older and would like help to maximize your independence and/or plan support
  • Moving into a new house, or home environment
  • Returning home following a stay in hospital or care home
  • Arranging a new care plan with a care agency who will support you at home

Moving and Handling Support and Advice

Following a thorough assessment of you and your environment, advice will be given on how to move safely, as well as recommendations for equipment if this is felt to be helpful.  This can include contributions to a care plan already in place with a care agency, or support and advice for family or friends who help.

Support with Activities of Daily Living

The assessment will aim to understand your daily routine including how you manage with day to day tasks like getting around inside and out, getting washed and dressed, planning and preparing meals and drinks, or how you wish to spend your leisure time.  The things you do are what makes you YOU and our Occupational Therapists want to help you achieve these things in the most safe and independent way possible.

Falls Assessments and Advice

Falling is not part of growing old, and it shouldn’t be something to fear. We offer a comprehensive falls assessment and recommendations which will help you reduce the risk both the risk of falls and the impact of a fall should the worst happen.

Seating Assessments

Being chair-bound for large parts of your day can get uncomfortable, and even painful. You may struggle to reposition yourself if you slip, you may struggle with bad posture, and your skin may be at risk. We help to find seating that meets your needs. Following assessment of your needs, recommendations about purchase of a new chair, or adjustments which could be made to your existing chair will be provided in a comprehensive report.

Getting back to feeling your normal self

Ask yourself, ‘what do I want to achieve from occupational therapy?’ It could be confidence-building, improving your physical or mental health . You may want to be able to do your own shopping, or your social life back on track! its entirely up to you!

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01252 850 800